White Tail Spider infestations are a common and worrying problem. The White Tail spider eats other spiders (Daddy Long-legs etc.) IF YOUR HOME HAS A LOT OF COBWEBS, IT IS A VERY ATTRACTIVE PLACE FOR A WHITE TAIL SPIDER TO LIVE (like a ringing dinner-bell!) When a White Tail spider eats another spider it ingests the poison from that spider. The more spiders the White Tail spider eats, the bigger, more venomous and more dangerous they become to you and your family.
White Tail spider bites can cause welts and blisters in humans and pets, along with burning pain followed by swelling and itchiness in the bitten area. Bites can lead to skin ulceration, known medically as necrotizing arachnidism. If a person or pet has an allergic reaction to White Tail spider venom the consequences can become extremely serious, including loss of limbs and organ damage. Spider proofing your home is the best way to protect you and your family from the White Tail spider.
Spider proofing a building outside can help significantly with long term maintenance of wasp control due to the residual effect of the insecticide used. Exterior wasp nests can be eliminated as part of the spider proofing service, saving the customer money. Many Spiderban customers spider proof their homes to stay on top of wasp problems. Spiderban Pest Control Technicians are qualified and experienced in the field of spider proofing pest control and will provide an effective solution to your spider problems.
There are two main ant species in top of the South region. These are the White-footed black ant and the Argentine ant. Both produce multiple queens and create multiple nests. Left unchecked, either species has the ability to overrun a property. However the Argentine ant is by far the bigger problem of the two.
The White-footed ant is more passive in its behaviour in that this ant will go about its business in a methodical way and will quickly run for cover when disturbed in its work. This ant will often nest in walls and forage in houses for water and food, particularly sweet or protein-rich items (such as meat.) The White-footed ant will also contaminate food items and is able to get into jars by walking around threaded tops and also into Tupperware.
The Argentine ant shares many of the same behaviours and nesting preferences with a few key differences. This ant is aggressive in nature and will run onto and attack a foreign presence rather than scatter. The Argentine ant is known to bite and will swarm and attack people in their homes and gardens. Pets are also attacked by this ant. The Argentine ant also breeds faster and spreads quicker over a property than the White-footed ant, eventually eradicating all competing ant species and other insects from an area. As well as upsetting natural balance by decimating all insects where they are present, The Argentine ant also causes significant harm to native bird species by climbing into nests and attacking the helpless chicks, frequently eating their eyes.
Professional ant control treatment is necessary to eliminate ants from your home or business. Ant control work is a specialised area of pest control requiring additional training by leading industry facilitators. Spiderban Pest Control Technicians are qualified and experienced in the field of exterminator ant control and will provide an effective solution to your ant problems.
Outside ant treatment is usually all that is necessary to achieve control as this is the source of the problem. For severe or established infestations, inside treatment may also be required.
The common House fly is medium size, generally gray in color and the female is larger than the male. This fly and the Blow fly are also important for their potential to harm humans and animals. The House and Blow fly can spread 200 pathogens including diseases such as food poisoning and related bacteria like Salmonella, Listeria and E.coli. These species of fly breed and come in developed from outside. Each fly will live for up to 2 weeks.
The habits of the House and Blow fly assist the spread of bacteria and other disease-causing organisms. The House and Blow fly often feed and lay eggs on garbage, manure and carrion before contaminating human foods and food preparation surfaces by landing on them. When feeding, the House and Blow fly regurgitate their stomach contents onto food to liquefy it before ingesting it. The House and Blow fly also contaminates food and surfaces by defecating on them.
Cluster fly infestations can present the home owner with a confronting and seemingly overwhelming problem. In some cases the sheer volume of fly numbers present can render sections of a property uninhabitable. A professional fly control solution will get this mass of fly invaders under control so that they will no longer be a problem in the treated area.
Fruit flies, Vinegar flies, Drain flies and Phorid flies belong to a group known as Small Filth flies. These flies breed and develop inside in damp, warm and dirty environments. Insecticide treatment is not an effective option for Small Filth flies. They are a hygiene, cleaning and internal building maintenance issue. Small Filth flies are generally an issue for commercial premises, particularly restaurants and cafes. Cleaning out drains and grease-traps thoroughly as well as paying careful attention to rubbish management practices are crucial to controlling Filth flies. Eliminating breeding sites is the ONLY option for control. This can be time-consuming and expensive for busy business owners, but there are no short-cuts.
Professionally applied fly treatment is the best way to protect your home living environment from House and Blow fly related issues. Spiderban Pest Control Technicians are qualified and experienced in the field of fly proofing pest control and will provide an effective solution to your fly problems.
A rodent, rat or mouse problem which has not been addressed could lead to insurance cover for damage or loss being invalidated in some cases. Businesses can face forced closure or fines for not staying on top of rodent, rat or mouse problems.
Due to their unsanitary living and nesting practices, a rodent, rat or mouse infestation can pose a serious health risk if you do not eliminate them as quickly as possible. Rat Bite Fever and Leptospirosis and just two of the serious transferable diseases that can be spread by a rodent, rat or mouse infestation. Food which has been touched or eaten by a rat or mouse should be thrown away as it will be contaminated and can make people and pets very sick. For businesses, rodent, rat or mouse presence in and around the premises can be a big problem requiring urgent attention, particularly where staff or customer health could be at risk.
For the DIY minded, Spiderban can supply quality, professional-grade rodent control products and equipment at a fair price. Orders can be delivered to any home or business in the Nelson, Tasman, Marlborough, West Coast and Kaikoura regions. When it comes to rat and mouse control, you get what you pay for. We use what we sell, so we know it works and is built to last.
Spiderban Pest Control Technicians are qualified and experienced in the field of rat and mouse pest control. Full exterminator services are provided to the Nelson, Tasman and Marlborough regions, including Blenheim. Within the service region, Spiderban can set up and monitor a professional rodent solution for your home or business.
Due to cockroach feeding and nesting habits, they can transmit a wide range of harmful bacteria. These include Salmonella, Listeria, E.Coli and Campylobacter, all of which can cause serious illness.
For a business, a cockroach problem can create a significant health and safety issue for employees and customers, particularly in the accommodation and food service industries. Forced closures and fines as well as reputation damage is often the price for not staying on top of cockroach pest control.
Professional cockroach treatment is necessary to control a cockroach infestation at your home or business. Spiderban Pest Control Technicians are qualified and experienced in the field of exterminator cockroach control and will provide an effective solution to your cockroach problems. Regular cockroach control servicing is available for business customers.
Depending on the species of cockroach, outside cockroach treatment is often all that is necessary to achieve control as this is frequently the source of the problem. For severe or established infestations, or for German and American cockroach species, inside treatment may also be required.
The Asian paper wasp typically nests under roofing iron/tiles and on the high edges of buildings. German and Common Wasp species like to build their nests inside walls, decks, retaining walls, roof spaces, under buildings and even underground. All wasp species also nest in trees and bushes. A wasp uses it's sting for killing prey, but it can also use it very effectively for defending itself. People are often stung when they accidentally disturb a wasp nest or get too close. Feeling threatened members of a wasp nest will swarm to attack. Wasp stings have associated glands that produce venom which make wasp stings very painful. Multiple wasp stings or allergy to the venom can make a person or pet sick. Wasp stings can even be life threatening in extreme cases.
An active wasp nests poses a real threat of harm to any person or pets close by. Wasp nests should be eradicated thoroughly and safely by a professional exterminator. Spiderban Pest Control Technicians are qualified and experienced in the field of exterminator wasp control and will provide an effective solution to your wasp problems.
Spider proofing a building can help significantly with long term maintenance of wasp control due to the residual effect of the insecticide used. Exterior wasp nests can be eliminated as part of the spider proofing service, saving the customer money. Many Spiderban customers spider proof their homes to stay on top of wasp problems.
Borer can cause cosmetic and structural damage to buildings. The characteristic borer holes look as thought someone has been using the affected timber as a dart board. In fact, the borer eats its way from the inside out, hollowing out the timber over time. The borer holes you can see are the tip of the iceberg in terms of the pest problem inside the affected timber. Left untreated, borer can spread and develop to a point where borer activity compromises the structural integrity of the building. This can result in costly and widespread renovation and repair work being necessary. Borer holes can erupt through paintwork, ruining the finish. In some cases it is better to have the borer affected timber replaced rather than treated. A structural engineer or qualified building inspector should be able to provide independent advice on whether borer treatment is the best course of action.
Flea infestations can become a hellish misery if not treated thoroughly by a professional. The bites of fleas are extremely irritating and can become infected or transmit disease; the Bubonic Plague was spread by fleas. Bites are typically on the legs below the waist with no clear pattern to the flea bite groupings. They hop on, bite and hop off. Flea infestations tend to be spread broadly throughout a residence, and generally have their origin in household pets, especially cats. Second-hand furniture can also be a source of infestation. Hotels, motels and holiday homes can experience flea problems were these have been introduced by guests.
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